May 20, 2010

The Daily Squalor Rebuy

I have to admit, I couldn't wait to play this game and blog about it. A rebuy tournament with a one dollar buy-in seems like a perfect place to find fodder for your woe-is-me-iMsoUnlucky poker blog. I thought for sure I'd get two or three posts worth of material out of the rebuy period alone, but unfortunately for you, dear reader(s), everything went my way for the most part. I had 13k in chips within twenty minutes, so I had more than quadrupled my starting stack. About ninety minutes in I was totally running over the table, up to 24k, when this happened...

... the action pre-flop was relatively weak (somebody smooth called) so, with about 3k in the pot on the flop, his all-in for 17k was a disgustingly silly over-bet, especially considering we both had monster-stacks. He's lucky I was his opponent. I took too long to hit the call button, and since nobody likes a slowroll, I'm bust back down to practically starting stacks. The money was another hour (or two) away, so I went to work. Eventually I built my stack back up to about 50k but that comeback is NOTHING compared to this guy bigalact who built 100k out of half an ante in like 25 hands. Of course, when I busted out it wasn't because of a suckout. In fact, it was the tightest player at the table who woke up with AA on the small blind to snap off my JJ. I was short-stacked and all-in pre-flop, of course. Good run I guess.

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